Video Summary:
Maximum Vibrance and Value:
Maximum Vibrance is one of those rare health supplements that is actually well worth the cost. Maximum Vibrance is an all in one product manufactured by Vibrant Health. This company has been around and producing it’s flagship product Green Vibrance for 22 years! In fact, Vibrant Health operates similar to a solid software company in that they are constantly revising their product and coming out with better versions. Green Vibrance started out with formula 1.0 and it is currently at 14. Recently Maximum Vibrance was launched around 2 years ago and has a ton of benefits over the very popular green supplement Green Vibrance. The real value of this product is that it is a green supplement and multi-vitamin with high bioavailability – due to the vitamins/minerals being derived from plants. The whole food protein sources provide plenty of protein with the bulk coming from yellow pea protein, alfalfa protein, rice protein and spirulina. The only things Max Vibrance really lacks are healthy fats and Omega 3’s. I remedy this by drinking some Cod Liver Oil and adding Extra Virgin Olive Oil as detailed at the end of this post.
Antioxidant + Anti-inflammatory Magic
Maximum Vibrance has tons of fruits and vegetables in it, which are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory goodness. Quite simply this means that a product of this nature has anti-cancer and disease fighting benefits. There is a full brochure about Maximum Vibrance on the website that details the specifics. Some nutritional superstars in Max Vibrance that are chock full of antioxidants include: Kale, Spinach, Broccoli Sprout, Spirulina, Spinach, Chlorella, Wheat Grass, Moringa Leaf, Blueberry, Blackberry, Strawberry, Tomato, Acai, Tumeric etc. This product is a great fit for healthy folks and even more important for folks fighting chronic illness/disease.
Probiotic Powerhouse
Nowadays it is hard to go a full week without hearing about a friend, family member or the media going on about probiotics. Probiotics are essential for our gut health and overall health. Vibrant Health explains probiotics beautifully with the following on their product page:
“Probiotics are symbiotic organisms that take up residence outside the body, and help keep us healthy. They reside on the skin, on urogenital tissues and in the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Even in the gastrointestinal tract, however, the bacteria are still outside the body. Something swallowed, either friendly nutrient or dangerous poison, can only enter the body after crossing the mucosal linings of the gastrointestinal tract.
True health emanates from the gastrointestinal tract. It is there that food is dismantled, nutrients are released and absorbed, and that most pathogens are defeated before they can invade. To accomplish all these feats, robust colonies of probiotics must be in place in both the small and large intestine (the colon). Lactobacilli commonly inhabit the upper, or small intestine, while Bifidobacteria exist primarily in the large intestine, although some also inhabit the lower part of the small intestine.
Modern genetic typing of probiotic bacteria allows researchers to identify numerous strains of bacteria resident in the human GI tract. Each performs some tasks in common with the others as well as some unique tasks specific to itself. For example, Lactobacillus helveticus helps break down protein and sugars, but also has an enhanced ability to break down dietary cholesterol. Propionibacterium shermanii breaks down dairy proteins and sugars as do many probiotics, generating metabolites that help feed Lactobacillus helveticus and a few other strains. Eventually, P. shermanii takes up residence in the large intestine (colon) where it may help guard against the bacteria, Clostridium difficile if necessary.”
*NOTE* – Notice that word Clostridium difficile? This is a bad bacteria that can overtake the gut when we lack good bacteria, oftentimes this is often caused from taking antibiotics (antibiotics translated literally mean anti-life). Antibiotics can kill the good gut flora we have an allow the bad bacteria to take over. In the spring of 2013 I had a horrible bout of Clostridium difficile AKA C-diff and if I didn’t go to the hospital I would have died. Luckily I got solid treatment and slowly healed while I was given IV steroids, another antibiotic to kill the C-diff and a followup regimine of a prescription probiotic to repopulate by needing guts. So yeah, probiotics and good gut health is pretty important 🙂 If you even take antibiotics ensure to follow up with a bunch of probiotics to repopulate your compromised GI bacteria.
The Superfood Shake
The superfood shake is a simple, easy and extremely healthy shake I supplement with from day to day. I oftentimes start my day with a superfood shake and it helps keep me healthy, regular and keeps up my energy. I used to have a juicer but it was a pain to keep foods fresh and clean up after juicing. I much prefer this healthy shake that takes 2 minutes to make:
1-2 cups of Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 scoop Maximum Vibrance
1 scoop Nutiva Hemp Protein
1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
They ya shake it and drink it!
Thanks for taking the time to read about this product review and how I make my shakes. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below.
This is quite a unique deviation from the pill probiotic supplements. This is an option to healthy drinkers since they get probiotics and some other nutrients plus a treat.
You got it Mike, thanks for the comment. When used with Vanilla sweetened almond milk, the green stuff actually quite tasty – believe it or not 🙂
I am also extremely passionate about optimal human health, relationships/marriage as well as the health of the planet. I’m excited about this product as a strict healthy vegan it fills in all the nutrient blanks and the hydration information you explain is critical to getting optimal benefits from this. I am as passionate about what I put ON my skin since it (my largest organ) absorbs at a rate of 60% within 26 seconds of putting a product (shampoo, lotion, body wash, anti aging cream, baby products, oils, everything)! So it’s critical to ensure you’re not putting toxic containing products on your skin with hormone disrupters, carcinogens, Eric thus devaluing all this.
Many thanks, Steve! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! A health crisis has stopped me in my tracks! Multiple Sclerosis related kidney problems require a necessary change to all Organic foods without the chemical additives! I have used meal replacements for years, and felt lost without something like this.
I am very thankful to have stumbled upon your website. It could have taken me ages to find this information.
No worries Nancy, thanks for taking a look. One of my good buddies has kidney problems and found out when he starting urinating blood (yikes). It is a clean diet for him and little to no alcohol. That’s how we tend to roll around here 🙂
God bless!
Great info thanks
No problem, thanks for reading Alea.